Education in Masvingo
This report is mainly centred on enrolment, staffing, academic or pass rate, sporting activities, infrastructure developments that were done during the progression from 2014 to 2016 respectively.
Name of School District Province
St Francis Mission Primary Shurugwi Midlands
St Boniface Primary Shurugwi Midlands
St Mary’s Primary Shurugwi Midlands
Marondamashanu Primary Chikomba Mashonaland East
St Michael Mambo Primary Buhera Manicaland
St Bernard Primary Buhera Manicaland
Munyaradzi Primary Buhera Manicaland
Daramombe Mission Primary Chikomba Mashonaland East
Chasiyatende Secondary Chivi Masvingo
St Michael Mambo Secondary Buhera Manicaland
Marondamashanu Secondary Chikomba Mashonaland East
Munyaradzi Secondary Buhera Manicaland
St Bernard Secondary Buhera Manicaland
Daramombe High School Chikomba Mashonaland East
Latest News
Staff Development
The Schools managed to hold different staff development workshops in different disciplines, acts of misconducts, conditions of service. This has gone a long way in assisting old and new staff. At Daramombe High School, the School started off 2016 on a high note, observation to qualify the statement included: School prefects came on 08/01/16 for training and orientation, LASOF CAREERS/LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE was responsible for training of prefects; Form one students came for orientation; the programme actually set the ideal condition for academic discipline.
Academic Turn Around
Some Schools are making steady progress towards quality education by implementing PLAP (Performance Lag Address Programme); ERI (for Early Reading Initiative) and IEP (Individualized Education Plan) whereby they aim to teach the child and not the children. For instance Maronda Mashanu Primary School strives to maintain high pass rates and promotes quality learning among pupils at all levels, especially Grade 7. The School has several Awards and Certificates including individual pupils’ prizes for quality results and performances in the Annual Maths and English Olympiads held in Chikomba District in June, and sponsored by BSPZ (Better Schools Programme of Zimbabwe).
Infrastructure Development
Our Schools have managed to do various infrastructural development projects within their premises, namely, refurbishing old structures, painting, Blair Toilets and proper structures for ECD pupils. For instance, St. Michael’s Makonese Primary School rehabilitated 5 classrooms by putting new roof trusses and zinc during term 1 2015.The School completed inside and outside beam filling of the rehabilitated block. The assembly point, hand washing basin and signposts were also painted and neatly labelled. The same applies to Secondary Schools; a lot is being done to improve structures and learning facilities, for instance Munyaradzi Secondary School constructed a class room block, toilets and teachers houses. On the other hand, Daramombe High School covered the following projects: constructed a Computer Laboratory; Culture hut; internet connection: though connectivity remain a challenge; built boom gate and guard room; thatched 8 non-teaching staff houses and a visitors’ lodge; the school painted classrooms and administration block; drilled a borehole; constructed a slaughter house; On 2 October 2015 Daramombe High School became the best school in Chikomba District and received merit awards for infrastructural development and in sporting category. Responsible Authority built a Tuck-shop, classroom block and 2 hostels. See pictures below.
Sporting Activities
Our Schools are participating in sporting activities at Cluster (Zonal); District and Provincial level in some disciplines. Other Schools competed in music, Percussion Band, Traditional Dance and Chess. We also have Anglican School Sports Association (ASSA) games which run every term in order to promote love, unity and interaction among Anglican Schools where all Anglican Schools are encouraged to participating in Ball games, music and indoor games. In turn the best competitors or participants receive different awards including trophies from the Responsible Authority.
Rectories under construction
The following churches are also developing in the Diocese through construction of Rectories; Moses the Prophet, St. Michaels Mambo, Holy Trinity, and St. Mark’s Zimhondi. The Rectories are nearing completion
Churches under construction
The following churches are constructing church buildings: St. Faith Mudoti, St. George’s Mbundire, St. Hildah Chironde, St. Michael’s Makonese, St. John Chifamba, St. Martin Masasa and St. Apollo’s Parish where a Church Hall is under construction.
proclaim the message; be persistent whether the time is favourable or unfavourable;
convince, rebuke, and encourage, with the utmost patience in teaching. (2 Timothy 4:2)